How I healed my gut
Jazz Leaf - how to heal your gut with simple steps. gut mania and gut healing are among some of the biggest issues after birth control. Here is everything I did to heal my gut. I share the supplements for gut healing and what to do and avoid for healing the gut.
My pregnancy must haves!
Jazz’s pregnancy must haves for a smooth and easy pregnancy! These are 9 times that helped me tremendously during my pregnancy! They are affordable, and most of them can also be used postpartum. Here is everything you need during pregnancy!
Our Costa Rica Itinerary
Here’s everything we did in Costa Rica! Piggy back off of our itinerary, the hotels we stayed at, which excursions we took and where we ate!
4 Practical Ways to Improve Efficiency & Cost in the Kitchen
While spending many 14-hour days in the kitchen, I have learned a few simple and practical ways to improve efficiency and cost in the kitchen! I am here to share them with you, so you can spend more time doing what you love, with the people you love!